Articles: January 1995 -

Roger F. Gay; Freelance journalist and commentator.
Articles by Roger F. Gay
Published Before 2003

Roger F. Gay is Director and primary researcher for Project for the Improvement of Child Support Litigation Technology. He is a regular contributor to Men's News Daily and a contributing editor for Fathering Magazine. Some articles are also available from other online and print sources. Roger F. Gay Source links next to each title.

 MND= Men's News Daily
 FM = Fathering Magazine
 TGR= Toogood Reports
 ESR= Enter Stage Right
 NWV= News With Views
 ISF= In Search of Fatherhood
 TCA= The Children's Advocate
 FV = Fatherville

Recent Articles by Roger F. Gay

My Courageous Stand with Star Simpson (09/22/07) [MND]
"I have no idea what a real bomb looks like," writes a blogger at, "but I don't think it’s a plastic board with a 9-volt battery on it."

EU Constitution: Next Move? (07/05/07) [MND]
To stop the political machine from running over them, EU citizens must take control of the constitutional development process.

EU Bosses Attempt to Sneak Constitution into Effect (06/14/07) [MND]
This week, European citizens are bracing for the new sales pitch. This time however, they will not be allowed to vote.

RoboBusiness: Robots that Dream of Being Better (05/16/07) [MND]
RoboBusiness 2007: Swedish company, iRobis, announces very intelligent learning, adaptive, problem solving robotics software product will be available this year.

Presenting American Robot Servants (10/10/05) [MND]
GeckoSystems, Inc. (Conyers, GA), presents their new generation mobil service robot at the International Robots & Vision Show and Conference.

Swedish Ambassador Retreats From Bigoted Remarks (07/07/05) [MND]
Swedish ambassador says she does not know whether she spoke the truth.

Call to Fire Sweden’s Ambassador For Feminist Hate Speech (07/03/05) [MND]
Former Equality Minister and current Ambassador to Brazil Margareta Winberg took her fight against men too far.

Death of a Father (06/23/05) [MND]
Washington State: Perry Manley died in a last dramatic protest against corruption in family law.

Spiderman Strikes in Sweden (06/21/05) [MND]
Fathers 4 Justice tactics come to Sweden.

Child Support Guideline Changes in Minnesota and Australia (06/17/05) [MND]
Similar changes in child support guidelines were recently announced in Australia and Minnesota.

Inside the Child Support Puzzle (06/15/05) [MND]
The core problem that has been solved is that of finding the appropriate standard of living increase that can result from the payment of child support.

Suggestions for the EU Constitution (06/14/05) [MND]
Now that their proposal has been democratically defeated, EU architects are concerned about what comes next.

Unraveling Feminism in Sweden (06/13/05) [MND]
Discussion and debate in Sweden may have broken the glass barrier against criticizing feminist beliefs.

Solving the Child Support Riddle (06/01/05) [MND]
The purpose of child support is not merely to prevent children from becoming public charges.

France Rejects EU Constitution (05/28/05) [MND]
The French people voted down the proposed EU constitution in a referendum today, temporarily lifting the dark cloud that was descending over Europe.

Child Support Solution: What does it solve? (05/25/05) [MND]
This article responds to public comments on the previous article.

Child Support Guideline Problem Solved (05/12/05) [MND]
There is a natural logic to child support decisions so long as they are unbiased.

Battle Over EU Constitution Continues (05/04/05) [MND]
The French people go to the polls this month to vote on a referendum on the EU Constitution.

Australia Families Under Attack (03/23/05) [MND]
Biased research on domestic violence from Australia is quoted around the world.

Proposal for Gender Neutral Welfare in Sweden (03/15/05) [MND]
Government support to divided households should be divided between mothers and fathers according to their level of care for children.

The Following Were Articles Published in 2004.
Click here to go to the top of the page.

Should Kerry Drop Out? A Call for Real Political Change (11/3/04) [MND]
Post-election analysis: We need to give attention to our own democracy. Kerry's candidacy contributed nothing to democratic process.

European Leaders Sign Global Destruction Pact (10/31/04) [MND]
European leaders signed the proposed EU Constitution.

Bush, Kerry Joined in Same-Sex Marriage Positions (10/15/04) [MND]
Bush and Kerry both avoided serious discussion on family policy in the third presidential debate which focused on domestic policy.

The Real Story Behind the Swedish 'Man Tax' (10/8/04) [MND]
The real story behind the proposed 'man tax' is an internal power struggle in a dying political party.

Child Support Debate Heats Up (10/7/04) [MND]
An article in a professional journal describes the argument against child support guidelines as "concrete" and "alarming."

Congress Supports Deadbeat Dads and Loose Women: (9/29/04) [MND]
Illinois Paternity Decision Linked to Funding Scam
A DNA test "showed a 0% chance that he was Kendra's biological father." Yet he cannot challenge paternity because of federal funding rules.

Protest Against Same-Sex Marriage in Sweden (9/09/04) [MND]
A proposal to consider creating gender-neutral marriage law "stirs up souls" of Swedes.

The Outrage in Outrage (8/20/04) [MND] [Human Events]
Professor Stephen Baskerville raises interesting points about Peter Sprigg's new book on same-sex marriage, but Family Research Council seems to be playing both sides of the issue.

Women Claim to Control Election – Again (7/16/04) [MND]
A modern presidential election season would not be complete without the claim that women – not men – decide elections.

Same-Sex Marriage Positions Untenable (7/15/04) [MND]
The Kerry-Edwards position suffers an obvious flaw. The flaw in the Republican proposal is a bit more complicated.

Tories Back Fathers' Rights (7/12/04) [MND]
British Tory leader Michael Howard is to call for a change in the law which would give parents equal access to their children when relationships break down.

Close-Up Images of Saturn's Rings (7/3/04) [MND]
Spacecraft Cassini passed through Saturn's rings. Click-through to NASA Saturn images site.

EU Elections: European Old Guard in Denial (6/15/04) [MND]
Despite the clear message from voters that they are not willing to allow a dramatic power shift to Brussels, the old guard is not showing signs that the message has been received.

Skeptics Win EU Elections (6/14/04) [MND]
European voters send a clear message against the proposed power shift to Brussels.

Ronald Reagan's Mistake (6/13/04) [MND]
Coming to terms with the man whose mistakes were as large as his successes.

Fathers 4 Justice Stuns Tony Blair in Condom Pelting (5/20/04) [MND]
Fathers 4 Justice stunned the United Kingdom by pelting Tony Blair with colored flour as he spoke at the House of Commons.

Flashback: Child Support Policy and the Welfare of Women and Children (5/11/04) [MND]
Brief History of Prevailing Child Support Doctrine, from Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference of the National Council for Children's Rights, Arlington, VA, March 19-22, 1992.

Of Swift Boat Veterans and Phony Wounds (5/7/04) [MND]
Veterans who served with John Kerry in Vietnam are tired of being used and abused for his benefit.

Primary Parent Ordered to Pay Child Support (5/3/04) [MND]
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court set a precedent that allows trial courts to order parents with primary custody to pay child support to parents with partial custody.

Father Wins in LaMusga Move-Away Case (5/2/04) [MND]
The California Supreme Court issued a decision allowing a change of custody to a father as the result of a mother's move to another state.

Business Leaders Among EU Skeptics (4/29/04) [MND]
A survey says British business executives would vote against the Euro today and do not believe in the proposed constitution.

Should Kerry Drop Out? (4/26/04) [MND]
Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that a member of the Democrat Party (or any other for that matter) must run for president.

The Child Support Scam (4/24/04) [MND]
Government workers and lobbyists for private child support collection companies have been relentless in their efforts to misinform the public about child support payments and collections.

Child Support Propaganda in an Election Year (4/22/04) [MND]
Nowhere is the special-interest machinery more worn than in delivery of child support propaganda.

Death of the EU Delayed (4/21/04) [MND]
The bizarre and politically extreme proposal for a new EU Constitution will be subject to a referendum in England.

Breakthrough in Cancer Research (4/6/04) [MND]
Swedish researchers reported an important discovery on the relationship between genetics and cancer.

Victims Sought for Child Abduction Documentary (2/26/04) [MND]
Australian documentary on international child abduction in the works. Producer seeks subjects.

Is Kerry Self- Destructing? (2/24/04) [MND]
John Kerry is now taking himself seriously as the man who can beat George Bush in November; but the performance is flawed.

Is Ralph Nader Crazy? (2/23/04) [MND]
Ralph Nader officially announced his candidacy this weekend. At first glance he looks like a nut.

Injustice By Default: Reason Almost Got It! (2/18/04) [MND]
Matt Welch provides an excellent investigative report on paternity fraud in the February issue of reasononline. But it's not perfect.

EU Skepticism Holding Firm (2/13/04) [MND]
Continued political progress of EU skeptics in Sweden. A primary objective is to require a public referendum to test any future proposal for an EU constitution.

The Death of Marriage I (2/5/04) [MND]
Much of the discussion on the Massachusetts Supreme Court decision to extend "marriage" to same-sex couples is ill-informed and focused on options that will do the least good.

Strong Momentum for EU Skeptics (1/26/04) [MND]
Forty-two percent of Swedish voters believe that a new party is needed to oppose the wholesale transfer of political power from individual states to the European Union. Twenty-seven percent were undecided.

Fathers Can Decide The Election (1/25/04) [MND]
It's beginning to look more like the race in 2000 in which every vote counted.

Europeans for States' Rights (1/23/04) [MND]
... events in Sweden seem to indicate that old continental wisdom may be out of touch with other Europeans.

Is Kerry Up To Fighting Special Interests? (1/21/04) [MND]
In his victory speech in Iowa, John Kerry may have succeeded in sticking his Achilles heal directly into his gaping mouth.

Closing Arguments in Swedish Foreign Minister Murder Case (1/19/04) [MND]
Deliberations Suspended Pending Psychiatric Evaluation
... closing arguments were given this morning in the case against Mijailo Mijailovic, the man being tried for the murder of Swedish foreign minister Anna Lindh. ... The court announced its decision, made last Friday, that Mijailovic will undergo psychiatric evaluation.

Trial for Murder of Swedish Foreign Minister Under Way (1/14/04) [MND]
The trial for murder of Swedish foreign minister Anna Lindh began at 9:15 in Stockholm this morning. (3:15 am ET)

Child Support Propaganda Haunts Michigan Papers (1/2/04) [MND]
Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox has been in office for one year. ... of lying and corruption.

The Following Were Articles Published in 2003.
Click here to go to the top of the page.

An Alternative to the Federal Marriage Amendment (12/29/03) [MND]
From a legal perspective, marriage and family were redefined years before the current controversy over same-sex marriage began.

Is Australia Leading Fathers' Rights Advance? (12/19/03) [MND] [FM] is about to bring an amazing story to the internet in the form of a book on recent political developments in Australia.

Both Parties Spurn Male Voters (12/17/03) [MND]
Republicans Cut "legitimate interest" Anchor
Republicans are still obviously quite worried about that "gender gap. ... All I can suggest to loyal Republican males is to help them by not voting for them.

Saddam Hussein Captured (12/14/03) [MND]
"Ladies and gentlemen, we got him!" -- Coalition Provisional Authority administrator Paul Bremer

Why I Oppose The Federal Marriage Amendment (12/11/03) [MND]
It's a political case; one that looks, feels, and smells political from top to bottom. It's a proposed solution that looks responsive in a minimalist superficial kind of way; created entirely without delving into the details of the problem it is supposed to address. It does not address the problems that led to the proposal, and it is a course of action that is likely to fail.

What have Republicans done for us lately? (12/9/03) [MND]
The pages of have recently displayed the most common characteristic of American election year politics – partisan bickering at the expense of focus on issues.

Is Male Passivity on the Wane? (12/5/03) [MND]
For decades, the feminist vision of the new man dominated the tabloid social revolution in America. The demure male was thought to be a progressive response to modern women who could no longer tolerate enslavement by automatic washing machines, streamlined mega-stores, and frumpy year-old family cars. Fashions change and stable child nurturing wives an old idea.

The Associated Press: A Case Study in Dishonesty (12/5/03) [MND]
During the early 1990s, it was difficult to identify a specific culprit. A large portion of the old media, newspapers, magazines, and television networks regularly sported "deadbeat dad" stories much like you'd expect the regular appearance of cartoon strips.

Fathers Not Guilty of Child Abuse (12/3/03) [MND]
We've known about it for many years. Even before the old media began debating racial profiling, fathers were under attack. No matter what ailment families and society suffered, from divorce and out-of-wedlock births, to government over-spending and poverty, it was fathers and "patriarchy" that were to blame.

Same-sex Marriage and the Marriage Movement (11/21/03) [MND]
On November 18th the Massachusetts supreme court declared homosexual unions equal in nature to heterosexual unions and established same-sex marriage as an individual right. As is usual for arguments supporting extremist social reform, ...

Michigan AG Linked to Organized Crime (10/25/03) [MND]
Michigan Attorney General builds privately funded organization connected to government corruption.

Fathers' Rights and the Marriage Movement (9/29/03 - 10/9/03) [MND]
MND Roundtable Discussion
Fathers' rights advocates are generally not opposed to marriage. Some would see an anti-father component in a pro-marriage position as contradictory. Nonetheless, in the broad spectrum of political debate, there have been occasional rubs between those who want government to promote marriage and analysts and advocates who have focused on fathers' rights. In an effort to sort things out, MND invited four of the most involved minds to participate in a roundtable discussion on Fathers' Rights and the Marriage Movement.

Sweden Rejects Euro (9/15/03) [MND]
The Swedish people soundly rejected joining the European Monetary Union in a referendum Sunday; 56.1 to 41.8 percent.

Sweden Morns Murder of Foreign Minister (9/11/03) [MND] [FM]
Two years to the day after the terrorist attacks in the United States, the Swedish people are preoccupied with a new tragedy.

Fathers Rights? (7/22/03) [MND] [FM]
In defense of family and other fundamental rights.
In "Hounding Baskerville," (National Review 5/13/03) Tom Sylvester (American Values Institute) demonstrates the deepest divisions between activist social conservatism and core American political values. Nowhere are the divisions sharper or more critical than on issues that involve the basic social unit; family.

Divorced Dads: Family Champions (7/15/03) [MND] [FM]
Which came first; children or marriage licenses? The focus of national debate on marriage obscures the critical issue. Family is fundamental. Fathers' rights advocates appear to be the sole champions in the battle for political and legal recognition of the fundamental social unit.

The large lettered full page headlines of the tabloids greeted me as I walked into a local convenience store this morning. Aftonbladet read; "For the first time: HILLARY reveals all on CLINTON'S INFIDELITY with Monica Lewinsky." I chuckled and thought; "Hey, that's like last millennium."

There is No Spoon; (6/3/03) [MND] [FM]
Review of the "Deadbeat Dad" Propaganda Movement
The story of Jason Bryce, who made up stories for the New York Times, caused me to reflect on the "deadbeat dad" propaganda campaign that was especially intense during the early 1990s. The motives and intentional lies in that campaign were much more sinister and led to much greater damage than anything that was likely contemplated by Mr. Bryce. Unlike Mr. Bryce, the "deadbeat dad" propagandists have not yet been exposed by the mainstream media. Their legacy lives on.

Man Dying of Child Support Enforcement (5/30/03) [MND] [FM]
The child support enforcement program is a disease that has probably caused more suffering and death than any other government program. It was introduced by Congress in 1975 and has been engineered into a weapon of mass destruction in the years since. ... Various protests have generally been ignored, even when they are so serious as to cause harm to protesters. Potential danger lies in a particular form of protest; the hunger strike.

Sweden Backs Off U.S.-Style Child Support Reforms: (5/11/03) [MND] [FM]
Government Investigation Reveals Fundamental Flaws
1975-2000 was an era of radical international child support reform, beginning in the United States. Swedish investigation into the effects of U.S.-style child support reform revealed the creation of massive debt and a high percent of fathers forced into poverty. A new government report suggests corrective action. The article below explains why we should not be surprised that Sweden was among the last to fall to radical child support reform arguments and the first to begin the process of restoration; while the U.S. record of reform is an ongoing embarrassment.

Georgia Supreme Court Abolished Human Rights (5/6/03) [MND] [FM]
On April 29th, the Georgia state supreme court issued a decision that dramatically reformulates the relationship between individuals and the state. The state was granted unlimited power to act arbitrarily against individuals. The foremost line of defense, individual rights that are regarded as "unalienable" by the United States Constitution, has in effect been abolished.

Click here for articles published before 2003.
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The Following Articles Were Published Before 2003.

BBC Set to Rerun The War Against Men (12/18/02) [MND] [FM]
The BBC is presenting a warmed over version of anti-father feminist propaganda that is reminiscent of the American war against fathers in the 1980s and 90s.

Additional Scientific Proof that Child Support Awards are Too High (12/11/02) [MND] [FM]
Arizona State University researcher Sanford Braver performed the largest federally funded study of divorced fathers in history. In a new book chapter, Sanford Braver takes on the formulae used to calculate child support.

A Woman's Right to be Criminal (12/06/02) [MND] [FM]
I read a USA Today article on child support by Martin Kasindorf entitled, Men wage battle on 'paternity fraud'. I know from experience that 'paternity fraud' would not have been in quotes unless we were being prepared for some unadulterated bullshit.

Virginia Child Support Panel to Suggest Increase (10/09/02) [MND] [FM]
Special Interest Influence Apparent
The Virginia State Child Support Guideline Review Panel held its last meeting on Tuesday night. The final act of the panel was to vote in favor of arbitrary increases in the state's child support guideline.

Governor Gray Davis: The California Weenie (10/03/02) [MND] [FM] [ESR]
It's the most obvious fault in the huge pork-barrel child support enforcement system; men who are not fathers of the children they have been ordered to support. The California legislature passed a bill that would have allowed men to dispute paternity with a DNA test, but Governor Gray Davis vetoed it.

Funny Thing About Illinois Gubernatorial Race (9/26/02) [MND] [FM]
The child support enforcement scam must be at a turning point when the corruption turns into situation comedy. That happened this week in the Illinois race for governor. One of the contestants, Jim Ryan promised to crack down on "deadbeat dads" in a previous successful campaign for Attorney General. Now, his opponent Democrat Rod Blagojevich is doing the same thing to him.

CSE Advocates: The Liar's Club (9/18/02) [MND] [FM]
The legal definition of insanity is (roughly) the inability to distinguish right from wrong. It occurs to me that child support enforcement advocates are building their defense, anticipating the day when this crude con-game will all come crashing down around their pointy little heads.

Virginia Panel Votes to Leave 'Child Support' Undefined (9/16/02) [MND] [FM]
The Virginia Child Support Review Panel is tasked with assuring that use of the state's child support guideline results in appropriate awards. One might think this job impossible if the term "child support" is not defined. That is exactly what panel member Murray Steinberg thought. Mr. Steinberg has been trying since early June to have the panel agree on a definition of "child support."

California: A Kinder Child Support System? (9/12/02) [MND] [FM]
Let me go one better. Give them their licenses back. Forgive the arbitrary debt the government created and set their child support orders to reasonable levels. If the government of California is extremely lucky they won't sue for reparations. As for the people who took their licenses to begin with – no deals. They belong in jail.

Another Man Down in the War Against Fathers (8/22/02) [MND] [FM]
Catalino Morales is one of many canaries in the child support coal mines. Year after year we watch the canaries die yet the workers are not allowed to leave. Those among us who have the opportunity to communicate are morally obligated to pass the word. This system must be abandoned as quickly as possible whether the masters wish it or not.

Two Strikes for Child Support Collection Company (8/16/02) [MND] [FM]
Following allegations of wrongdoing, a Maryland audit finds significant errors in handling of child support cases by Maximus, Inc.

Comment: Corruption in Connecticut (8/13/02) [MND] [FM]
Connecticut legislators have taken yet another step in denouncing the Constitution and basic human rights.

Tennessee: No Legitimate Purpose Found in Child Support Law (8/12/02) [MND] [FM]
In a decision filed Friday, a Tennessee court of appeals declared unconstitutional a prohibition against considering the support of children of a current marriage when setting the amount of child support ordered for children of other relationships. A three-judge panel decided unanimously that the law violated equal protection.

Introduction to the Income Shares Child Support Guideline (8/7/02) [MND] [FM] [ISF]
The majority of child support orders today, approximately ten million of them, have been set by Income Shares guidelines. This is a long article on an truly important topic. It spans around fifteen years of history related to the Income Shares guideline and exposes a monumental deception.

Tax Laws and Child Benefits: Unequal Treatment is International (7/27/02) [MND]
Two lawsuits against the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions in England are demonstrating that fathers and mothers have unequal legal and political status.

Book Review: (7/24/02) [MND] [FM] [FV]
An indictment of Virginia's child support parenting adjustment
Child Support's Wacky Math is a book about the way that Virginia and other states modify child support orders in consideration of visitation and shared parenting. It promises two things; to prove that the formula is grossly in error, and to show how reality gets lost and logic muddled in the overly political process that now dominates the child support system. It delivers on both promises with room to spare.

Book Review: Divorced Dads: Shattering the Myths (7/23/02) [MND] [FM] [FV]
Review of Sanford Braver's landmark book that presents his research on the character of fathers and the true story on gender balance following divorce.

The Child Support Agenda (7/17/02) [MND] [FM]
Yep. This must be an election year. In a July 15 press release Chairman of the House Policy Committee Chairman Christopher Cox (R-CA) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA) announced yet another bill to encourage divorce and out-of-wedlock births. ... Why does it continue?

Corporate Fraud: It's Clinton's Fault! (7/11/02) [MND]
The connection between the Clinton administration and the collapse of a substantial portion of corporate America is concrete and reaches well beyond the dangers that are currently perceived.

Child Support Visitation Credit Gets International Attention (7/4/02) [MND] [FM] [NWV] [FV]
When states began using fixed formulae for determining child support awards, known as child support guidelines, the door was nearly slammed shut on reducing orders in recognition of divided parenting time. Reopening the case on visitation and shared custody credits is the subject of an article in the current quarterly issue of the international journal IN SEARCH OF FATHERHOOD(R) Forum.

More Money for Lawyers, Right? (7/3/02) [MND] [FM]
The Special Interest Issue in 2002
This is only a "mid-term" election year when there is no presidential race. For every American however, it is still a season for deciding the balance of power between one group of lawyers and the other.

About NOW's Family Court Report (6/27/02) [MND] [FM]
"After significant research," the report begins, "CA NOW finds the present family court system in California to be crippled, incompetent, and corrupt." The media chose to deliver this message from an organization that has no credibility. We should not however falsely conclude that family courts across the country are not crippled and have not been acting in a way that indicates incompetence and corruption.

GAO Involved in "Public-Private Partnership" Scandal (6/11/02) [MND] [FM] [ESR] [NWV]
On March 29th the United States General Accounting Office (GAO) released another in a series of sensational reports on the child support enforcement program. As Arthur Andersen did with Enron, the GAO is playing the dual role of auditor and policy consultant and supporting an untenable position.

A Knight Defending Fatherhood (5/28/02) [MND] [FM] [TGR] [ESR] [NWV] [FV]
By the early 1990s it seemed commonly accepted that battering women and abandoning wives and children to welfare was a character flaw genetically fixed by every Y-chromosome. Enter Stephen Baskerville -- a knight defending fatherhood.

Focus: Georgia Child Support Guidelines Declared Unconsitutional
A Return to Welfare As We Knew It? (3/20/02) [MND] [FM] [TGR]
The beginning of the end of child support reform
A Georgia court has declared the state’s child support guidelines unconstitutional. The decision bans the use of a presumptively correct formula that produces arbitrarily high awards, a universal practice in the United States since 1990. The consequences of a nationwide ban could extend well beyond allowing courts to set child support awards at reasonable levels.

Two Part Constitutionality of Child Support Guidelines Debate:
Laura Morgan chairs the Child Support Committee of the Family Law Section of the American Bar Association. When a Georgia court declared their child support guidelines unconstitutional, Laura Morgan responded immediately and with characteristic intensity. She criticized the ruling and promised two articles in rebuttal. The following two articles response to Laura Morgan's arguments. (Links to her articles included.)

Laura Morgan at the Bottom of the Slippery Slope (4/24/02) [MND] [FM]
The child support laws in Georgia were declared unconstitutional for violating due process, equal protection, the right of privacy, and the prohibition stated in the Georgia Constitution against taking property. The decision does not involve the popular political rhetoric that gave rise to the new child support system. It is not a decision, for example, on whether it is right for "fathers to abandon mothers and children." The decision does not interfere with one parent's ability to obtain child support from another or the state's legitimate power to order child support payments.

The Constitutionality of Child Support Guidelines Debate, Part II (5/22/02) [MND] [FM]
Tens of billions of dollars of taxpayers' money has been used as bribery to implement and maintain policies that are blatantly unconstitutional and private businesses have been granted the privilege of siphoning off a significant share of noncustodial parent income. It cannot be emphasized enough that we know, and therefore cannot allow it to continue.

High Child Support Awards (4/22/02) [MND] [FM] [ISF]
Deny Contact between Fathers and Their Children
Even more surprising was that a decade then passed during which the states themselves did not reform their guidelines to provide appropriate visitation credits. Where have all the people gone who had understood how to calculate visitation credits before the federal reforms had taken effect?

Why Child Support Reforms Need Reform (4/09/02) [FM]
The main point is what Haskins' report was not about. It was not about finding the appropriate amount to be awarded in each child support case. This is an extremely important point.

Confusing The Enemy: W’s Latest Buzz-Phrase Is “Social Entrepreneur” (2/28/02) [MND] [TGR]
Exhaustively, I debated every left wing kook on the internet. President Bush did not refer to the Axis Powers of World War II in his state of the union address. “Axis of evil” is not the same as “Axis Powers.” A simple comparison shows that one phrase has three words and the other has only two. They can’t be the same phrase.

Too Late To Stop National ID (11/29/01) [ESR] [MND] [NWV] [TGR]
Changes in technology have left a nation confused about how the modern national ID system is implemented. Visions of passports with stamped pages need to be replaced with the modern reality of the computer age. Centrally located file cabinets filled with hand written cards have been replaced by interconnected databases in a huge distributed system.

New Wave Pro-Family Advocates Leave Fathers Out of Family (2/15/01) [FM] [TGR]
It is ironic that some conservatives are choosing to alter the definition of the problem now. Evidence is mounting that the past quarter century of welfare expansion has increased and intensified the barriers to family formation.

Fathers Vote Too! (1/01) [FM] [TGR]
Republicans cannot win elections without at least an equal advantage among men. ... Why then have they chosen to throw it all away?

Why Do Current Child Support Guidelines Need Improvement? (03/28/02) [MND] [FM]
A judge sitting on a state panel on gender bias in Virginia put a word in a male activist's ear; that presumptive guidelines produce unreasonably high "child support" awards in order to equal out the difference in income between men and women.

The Alimony Hidden in Child Support (1/95) [MND] [FM] [TCA]
Scientific Proof Exists That Many Child Support Awards Are Too High

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